Thursday, November 28, 2019

Anthology Submissions A Good Idea or Not

Anthology Submissions A Good Idea or Not Thinking of submitting to an anthology? I’d say if you have time to write an essay based on the submission guidelines, aren’t looking for great financial reward but are seeking to be published in a â€Å"real† book, there’s nothing to lose. I noticed a small ad in Poets Writers for submissions to an anthology devoted to lessons learned from our mothers. The editor, Eric Bowen, had decided to create an anthology of essays and poems and donate half of the proceeds to shelters for women and children affected ( I was delighted to have my essay about my mother and knitting selected and the book has been a wonderful gift item. And it was my first time published in a book so a great credential to add to my resume. Shortly after, I was invited to submit an essay to a book being compiled ( ) While these opportunities weren’t high paying, I felt they were important and a chance to have my work judged Without giving the writers any themes, I received submissions that span the entire citrus spectrum, from sour to sweet.   Inside are poems and essays about parents, families, jobs, food, and memories.   The title, Tangerine Tango: Women Writers Share Slices of Life, came from my love of the color orange and love of alliteration. I offered to pay the writers $50 for their submissions and have decided to donate the proceeds from the sales to fight Huntington’s Disease, which honors one of the writers who lost her mother to the disease this year. I loved working with the writers and shaping the book, seeing the themes that emerged.   I hope to do it again! So, I’d encourage you to submit to an anthology if you see one that speaks to you as a writer. Not for the money, but to be included in a book that you can be proud to be part of and will give you a chance to be published. I’d be wary of offers that don’t pay at all, or are for total commercial gain. Be sure you maintain the rights of your work too. You never know, being in an anthology could be a steppingstone to more acceptances.  

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


THE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR ONE essays World War I started in the summer of 1914. Most of the war took place in Europe. The war was long and lasted four years. World War I was unlike any previous wars. New weapons such as machine guns, tanks and poison gas made fighting deadlier than ever. Also, the civilian population was no longer safe from attack by military forces. Submarines changed naval warfare because they could sink ships without warning. Since, fighting was set all across the world they called it the World War. The main cause for the war was the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, who was heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary. The person who assassin Archduke was a Serbian nationalist on the morning of June 28, 1914, while he was traveling through Sarajevo. Sarajevo was the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main reason why Archduke was assassin was because the Serbians feared that after his rise to the throne he would continue the persecution of Serbs living within the Austro H ungarian Empire. The Serbian terrorist organization, the Black Hand, had trained a small group of teenage operatives to break into Bosnia and carry out assassination of the Archduke. It was also believed that Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism were huge war factors for this war. To begin with, Nationalism was becoming a powerful force in Europe so people that had the same culture, language wanted their own country. Consequently, this was a problem to the Austria- Hungary government because they did not want to lose their power and control. In this case, the Slavs in the southern part of the empire were their main concern since they wanted to join up to Serbia. In addition to this, this tension helped people unite with each other, it also this got countries against one another. Nationalism created deep mistrust and even hatred between nations. Militarism is another factor, to understand what Militarism means we should reme...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How To Write Content That Sells Anatomy In A 6-Figure Post

How To Write Content That Sells Anatomy In A 6-Figure Post We all know that content marketing is a great, long-lasting way to increase revenue in your business. The good thing is, there are a lot of different ways to do it. Guest blogging, podcasting, webinars, social media, plus others like  proving yourself as an expert in various social media groups. The problem is, as Im sure youve discovered, not all the content you write actually does anything to bring in sales! Sometimes you write a piece of content and see a huge influx of leads/sales. Other times, youd be excited to hear a cricket chirping. So, how are you publishing content that sells? In this article Id like to show you the process I go through while creating content which has led to as much as 6 figures in real revenue from a single post (and many other examples). How To Write Content That Sells: The Anatomy In A 6-Figure Post via @JeremyReevesBefore I get into the step-by-step process I go through, I first have to get you to fully understand something... Social Shares And "Eyeballs" Do Not Matter Yes, I know they're good at helping with SEO. But if your content isn't producing real revenue, who cares? The point of creating content is to produce sales, not shares or views. Just think about all the cute memes you see on Facebook. They're inspiring. Sometimes they make you tear up (the ones about sons and fathers always get me!). They get insane amounts of shares. What good are social shares if your content doesn't sell? #sales #contentmarketingBut they don't lead to sales. The first mental shift you need to make is to stop caring (as much) about shares and instead focus on coming up with content ideas that make real sales. That said, let's jump into the good stuff, shall we? Step #1: Know Exactly Who You Can Help And What They're Looking For If you're going to sell more, you have to know exactly who it is that you're selling to. You also have to know exactly what it is that they want! This is something we all know, but very few of us really do the dirty work to figure out. Recommended Reading:  How To Find Your Target Audience In Content Marketing The more important point here is that once you know exactly who your perfect customer/client is, and exactly how you can help them best, you need to structure your content around those issues. You need to think in terms of the following sentence... "How will this content directly pre-sell a new client or customer on doing business with me?" Here's an example: I have a client I'm about to start working with. She's a naturopathic doctor who uses customized treatments based on your micro-nutrient profile to help high net worth individuals live a more high-performance lifestyle through their health. Her new program will be in the range of $6,000 per year (there are various price points). One of the things I'll be doing for her is building an automated webinar. When strategizing the content, you can bet I won't be talking about "7 steps to get a better night's sleep". That would do nothing to pre-sell the service we offer. Instead, it will be something along the lines of... "How A Simple 10-Minute Blood Test Can Boost Brain Performance 37% In 7 Days" I'll come up with something better than that (I haven't started the research yet), but you get the idea. It calls out to our specific audience (high performers) and will pre-sell them on her actual treatment. Write content that sells by  asking yourself, How does this pre-sell my business? #sales...Here's another example: I build sales funnels for my clients. My ideal client is someone who's already doing well, but wants to take their business to the next level and doesn't want to do all the work themselves. I could  write a blog post talking about the top 10 sales funnel tools I use for creating sales funnels. In fact, considering "number" posts get a lot of shares, I'm sure it would do well! The problem is, that doesn't pre-sell my own services. That simply pre-sells my audience on the tools I use but does nothing to demonstrate my own expertise. See the difference? How do you find content ideas that sell? Read this 5-step process. #sales #contentmarketingCompare that with a guest blog post I wrote for Visual Website Optimizer. That single blog post brought me in well over $100,000 in sales. Why? Throughout the rest of this article, I'd like to break it down for you. Let's start with... Step #2: Infuse Controversy Into Your Content Long form sales letters are a controversial topic. I won't go into all the details on that, but if you're a marketer, you're probably familiar with them. Maybe you even still think they don't work. (Hint: They do. I recently wrote a 45-minute long video which is producing a positive ROI on $10k per day ad spend.) The point is, this article sparked up A LOT  of controversy because the main audience was people who understood and were actively doing split-testing. I wrote this because I knew they might be interested in split-testing a long form letter after reading my article, and I was right. When you're developing article ideas, create a list of all the myths in your industry. Then make a list of all the "truths" in your industry that are false. For example, most people think eating breakfast in the morning helps you lose weight. The problem is, that's absolutely false. Your metabolism doesn't change over that short of a time period. In fact, many people lose weight by skipping breakfast so they can eat more satisfying meals later. Me included. THAT  is a good post, with a great chance of going viral because it might spark up some controversy. Controversial content inspires interest. Make it actionable to make it sell. #sales...The reason you want controversy is two-fold... Virality:  If you're looking for more people to view your post, controversy will help make that happen. Resonance:  Think of people like Rush Limbaugh or Howard Stern. You either LOVE or HATE them. But the fact is, the people who love them are absolute raving fans! The way you make more sales is by having raving fans, not people who are moderately interested in you. And now that you've chosen a topic that will spark up a little controversy in the industry, you need to plan out... Step #3: Demonstrate Proof And Expertise One of the secrets of a high-converting offer is demonstrating expertise. Infomercials are the masters at this. I'm working on an infomercial project right now and the amount of time they put into figuring out how to demonstrate the effectiveness of their products is absolutely breathtaking. The good news is you can do this through your content. Demonstrating proof and expertise is all about creating an "aha" in the readers' mind. You want to get them nodding in agreement with you. It creates a psychological connection... the same as sitting in an audience and nodding along as the speaker (i.e. the big authority in the room) gives his or her talk. You also want to make sure you sprinkle bits of proof throughout your content. One of my structures for an article is talking about a specific issue, and then giving some sort of example which adds credibility. This is why it's important to have a running list of case studies/testimonials and experiences you can pull from while you're writing. Include case studies, testimonials, and experiences in your content to build credibility.It doesn't just have to be a testimonial, though. There are a lot of different ways to be seen as an authority on your topic. Here are 7, just to get you started... Publicity:  People gain instant respect for anybody who has been talked about on the news! Scientific studies/statistics:  I use this primarily for health-related projects, however, you can find studies on almost anything these days! Simply look up "your topic statistics" in Google.  For example, "email marketing statistics". Stories:  Stories are the gateway to someone's heart. Compelling stories allow you to tap into the subconscious mind of your prospects and develop an instant bond unlike any other method of persuasion. Specialization:  Who do you trust more to fix your clogged arteries... your general doctor  or a heart surgeon? Comparisons:  Showing comparisons is the equivalent of demonstration. I've seen increases of 20%+ in conversion rates for my clients when adding comparison charts in the right places! Dismantling myths:  If you can break someone free of a myth that's hurting them, and get them to believe you, it gives you instant authority. Empathy:  The key to great marketing is understanding your customer better than your competitors. Similar to stories, empathy opens up the mind and allows them to quickly trust you, even if they hardly know you. Those are just a few pieces of proof you can sprinkle throughout your content. Once you've added in enough proof to get the readers to realize you're an authority they can trust, it's time for... Step #4: Salt The Wound Salting the wound is a crucial step. This varies for each person because you're all selling different products/services, but the point here is making the following connection in the reader's mind: The normal way is hard and/or ineffective My way makes it easy and effective That's it! The product/service you're selling is likely already making it easier, faster, and more effective for the person who's buying it. But you have to demonstrate that! In your content that sells, you have to spell out, in detail, the process needed to get the end result. You don't want to skimp here. You want to be extremely thorough and take it step-by-step. (Note: You should also do this in your main sales pages, like I do here.) You do this for two reasons... For The DIY'ers:  You want to make sure you're adding a lot of value to those people who will take your advice and actually do it themselves. If they do, great! Show How Complicated It Really Is:  You'll also have a huge portion of people who want to get it done, but then see how much work it's going to take and subconsciously decide that they'd rather hand the project to an expert (i.e. you). In other words, you're selling the process and end results. Yet by laying everything out in specific detail, you'll automatically attract those people who want the end result, but don't feel like going through the work to get it. For example, I once wrote an article for another very well-known blog (CrazyEgg) talking about crafting emails. In that article, I went into depth about my process for writing emails. For me, it's all intuitive and quick because I do it everyday... However, if you didn't write emails everyday like I do, it seems very daunting. That's why this step is so important. You're adding tremendous value to those who want to do it because you're telling them exactly what to do. Plus, you're proving your authority, because experts have step-by-step systems in place to do the work they do. Finally, you're automatically attracting those who see that you're an expert, understand why to do it, but don't want to do it themselves. It's a beautiful thing! Content that sells shows why the normal way is hard, then demonstrates a more effective way.And that's where the next step comes into play... Step #5: Understand The Exact Next Steps That Need To Happen Finally, you need to have 2–3 different lead generation options to send people to, based on your goals and the level of sophistication of your content. Let's say you're talking about a very basic topic in your marketing. An example could be a chiropractor talking about 3 ways to reduce lower back injuries. People who respond to this type of information will be at the beginning of their buyers' journey. In that case, you shouldn't immediately ask them to do business with you. Instead, you should send them to some sort of lead generation offer that is similar to what they just read. (So for example, a free report with 7 more steps to reducing injuries.) Compare that to an article talking about a 30-second stretch that reduces back pain NOW. People who resonate with that article will have back pain at this very instant. That means they would be much more open to calling you immediately to come in for an appointment because they want the solution right away. Content that sells inspires immediate action. #sales #contentmarketingConclusion If you put all these tips together and keep them in mind as you're strategizing your content, you should see an increase not only in CTR from your articles, you should also see a noticeable increase in readers turning into customers and clients. The best part is, all of these strategies can be directly applied to your sales funnel in your emails, webinars, sales pages, and everything else you're using to make more sales! I developed these strategies while building sales funnels for my clients, and simply used the same ideas for the very beginning of the funnel (i.e. the content/attraction part). Take a few minutes to re-read this so it really sinks in. Then go ahead and start figuring out how/where you can implement them in your business. And, of course, let me know if you have any questions and if this article has helped you!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Write a Summary That Sums It All up

Write a Summary That Sums It All up Write a Summary That â€Å"Sums It All up† When it comes to summarizing a thought or essay for Toronto professors, you must be able to think critically, be concise, and have a certain amount of writing skill. Being a better writer makes you a better reader, because you understand how to find important points. This isn’t a talent developed overnight. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to summarize effectively. Our tips will help you to recognize what is necessary to do more than explain, restate, or describe something you read. Understand What You Are Reading If you don’t have a thorough understanding of what you are reading, take your time with the text and try to grasp the basic â€Å"gist† of what the writer is conveying. As you read content, try to be more analytical. What argument is the author making? What does an idea presented mean to you? Take Notes If you like, taking notes can be done during a second read-through. Write down answers to any questions you had on the first reading. Write down the main points the author made. Leave out nothing, even if a point seems only vaguely important. Removing certain notes and thoughts is easier than later trying to remember something that wasn’t written. Edit Now is the time to thin out your notes. If anything seems less important to your summary, excise it. Create an Outline Review those notes and structure the paper based on them. Use key details and quotations where appropriate. Edit Again Look for more unnecessary ideas or statements. If an item doesn’t support your argument, remove it. If your text seems too wordy, find ways to say the same thing in fewer words. If your writing seems too short, add by using your thoughts from the reading work. Make sure to save this version under a different title just in case you want to reuse an earlier thought in your final draft. Start Writing Review the outline and beef up the main points. Do this one section at a time. Don’t worry about a first draft being â€Å"perfect;† there’s opportunity to fix things later. Check Your Work Review your writing. Did you make all your points? Are there spelling or grammatical errors? Smooth out the rough edges: Does some writing seem awkward? Read your text out loud and catch more errors. If you need assistance writing a summary for Toronto for school, college, or university, call toll-free: 1-800-573-0840. We can help with this or any other kind of writing assignment.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

UV Light Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

UV Light - Research Paper Example Disadvantage of excessive sunlight consumption is that it can cause sunburn and other skin related diseases. Ultraviolet light has many uses for instance, in astronomy, to cause resistance against infections and in light bulbs using fluorescence. The word ultraviolet stands for beyond violet. In the spectrum of light which is visible, the wavelength of light tends to decrease whereas the energy that is present in the electromagnetic waves keeps on increasing. The range starts from red and changing from orange, yellow, green, blue and all the way to violet. Therefore, UV light is shorter in wavelength and possesses more energy than violet radiation waves. Usually UV light is measure in nanometers. The range defined for ultraviolet range is between 10nm to 400nm. The characterization of ultraviolet light can from UV-A, UV-B or UV-C that depends on how the wavelength is decreasing. Another way to classify ultraviolet when it comes to astronomy is by characterizing through near, middle, far and extreme. Ultraviolent light has many benefits for example the UV light present in the sunlight can produce vitamin D which is essential for human growth and prevents from many harmful diseases like cancer, heart diseases, rickets etc.. The UV light present in the sun activates a chemical in our body that eventually formulates the vitamin. It is observed that an excessive absorption of sunlight can cause skin diseases and sunburn. "Ultraviolet light has been used for centuries to treat a myriad of health and skin problems in the form of natural sunlight or more recently by artificial UV generated sources." (Baranoski, 154) Another purpose of ultraviolet waves is that it is used in the restoration of artwork.Ultraviolet waves help in restoration of art therefore while buying, framing, selling or praising an artwork knowledge of its prior restoration is necessary therefore while restoring

(Not sure about that) this is a critical project report from the Essay

(Not sure about that) this is a critical project report from the module of issues in accounting research, - Essay Example A critical review of its content is thus relevant even now. Watts and Zimmermann The impact of Watts and Zimmermann's paper is immense: A Google Scholar search finds 1035 citations of it, and Watts' (1990) ten year retrospective article has 3041! Published in The Accounting Review, a major journal, the paper not only introduced positive accounting as a concept but began to focus on the role of regulatory boards and politics. The papers' primary research question is simple: Why would firms spend valuable assets resisting accounting standards (Watts and Zimmermann, 1978, 131)? Empirically, they had done so numerous times. A superficial analysis might point to corruption or to trying to protect against malfeasance, but Watts and Zimmermann's research indicates that there is a more complex structural reason. Their research indicated several trends: 1. Larger companies, ceterus paribus, will support less complex accounting measures like General Price Level Accounting more often than small er companies: This is theoretically supported by the notion that a large company would be more likely to be a target of government interference or auditing and thus has more of a stake, proportional to their size. Firm size is the largest factor in their analysis. 2. Direction of change in earning is vital: Companies that are earning less than in previous years and thus experiencing negative growth or at risk of reporting losses unsurprisingly resist accounting changes that might a) further depress their costs by requiring more administrative overhead and paperwork and b) might require more complex reporting of the firms' difficulties. The paper also pointed to complex government-economic interaction forces. Even the mere effect of requiring different accounting standards could have multiple impacts on firm behavior. â€Å"Investment-production† decisions could end up changing as firms' accounting overhead increases, with firms picking either less costly or less risky investm ents to shield them from the risk (Watts and Zimmermann, 1978, 131). This would be indicated by a lower beta on common stock, which was found in those firms supporting GPLA. They also found that there was a â€Å"decline in systematic risk as firm size increases and as government intervention costs rise†. The benefits of improved accounting might be eclipsed by the cost for larger and larger companies. This in turn begs a question: Might larger firms have larger accounting overhead in general due to the number and complexity of their transactions? There are implications for policy as well, both for NGO accounting standards boards like the FASB and for national and provincial governmental regulation like the SEC. Corporate lobbying has historically had a major freezing effect on actions taken by regulators, including the SEC arguably having chosen the AICPA as their â€Å"scapegoat† so as to avoid the difficult task of crafting regulatory standards themselves (Watts and Zimmermann, 1978, 132). To avoid resisting corporate lobbying, regulators may wish to choose accounting standards that improve firms' fidelity of financial information without incurring substantial overhead. Of course, in light of recent events in the global

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Applied ethics ( ethics in marketing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Applied ethics ( ethics in marketing) - Essay Example The theory emphasizes the need for people to learn how to break bad habits of character for example greed or anger (Chonko, & Hunt, 1985). The advertisement I choose from the news is on the Embassy Cigarettes. On the theory of deontological, the company marketing has the obligation to adhering to the moral rules. This implies that when marketing this brand of cigarettes, they should not give any misleading information about the product. Marketers must clearly indicate the contents that have been used to make the cigarettes on the packet. The contents indicated must genuine, only those that were used without any additional materials or omitting some of the ingredients. This a moral ethic as the consumer gets to know what was used in the making of that product and based on that information, consumers will make decisions. When all the content is genuinely on the packet, the user will read through that information and based on it, they will be able to decide whether to buy it or not. Marketers must ensure that the information they display is not misleading to the product consumer (Gibson, 2000). The marketers of the Embassy Cigarettes must focus on the second theory of marketing ethics, the teleology theory. Based on their advertisement, the marketers should consider what action their decision might have to the consumer after using the product. The teleology theory emphasizes that the company has the obligation of taking care of the customer. The product should not affect the user after using it, due to the false information given to it. For example, if the marketers omit to include an ingredient used in the manufacture of the cigarette on the packet, it is not ethically correct. This because a consumer will make a wrong decision in case the product consist an ingredient that causes complications to their health. When they buy and use the product, they are sure

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Introduction to Law Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Introduction to Law Coursework - Essay Example nt that must be fulfilled for a contract to be valid, we will discuss the law of contract in detail and then compare and contrast between an offer and an invitation to treat. For a contract to be enforceable contract, certain basic requirements must be presented. There must an agreement based upon genuine consent of the parties, supported by a consideration and made for a lawful object between competent parties. This paper will start by discussing what an offer is and later on compare and contrast between an offer and an invitation to treat. (Hussein, 1993) a) An offer may be made to a specific person or to any member of a group or to the world at large, but it cannot form the basis of a contract until it has been accepted by an ascertained person or group of persons. For example if A makes an offer to B, it is a specific offer and B is the only person who can accept it. But in many cases, it is immaterial to whom the offer is made. Offers made by advertisement are the commonest form of offers made to the world at large, and can be accepted by anyone just by acting on them. For example in the following case studied. The defendants offered a reward of  £100 to anyone who contracted influenza after using their smoke ball for a fortnight. The plaintiff, relying on the advertisement, bought the smoke ball and used it as prescribed, but still contracted influenza. She sued for the advertised reward. It was held that the advertisement was a true offer, and not a mere advertising puff, and the defendants were held liable to pay the reward. b) An offer may be made by a word of mouth, in writing or by conduct. The person making this offer is called the offeror, and the person to whom the offer is made is called the offeree. For example an offer made by conduct may be of a bus playing on a certain route. This is usually an offer by the owner of the bus to carry passengers at the published fare for various stages. The offer is accepted by conduct when the passenger

Monday, November 18, 2019

Jet Blue Airways, A new beginning Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Jet Blue Airways, A new beginning - Case Study Example This analysis evaluates the effectiveness of the strategic change management and the core areas impacted by this strategy. and implementing change at various levels and involving employees at various levels along with strong leadership support. This process was successfully implemented at JetBlue Airways, which was experiencing huge losses due to various external factors like fluctuation in prices, bad weather conditions, etc. A deeper study and observation revealed that performance of the company could be improved by altering their business strategies, operations processes and employee engagement practices. This paper evaluates the strategic change process adopted by JetBlue Airways in modifying their irregular operations (IROP) management to create better management and processes that resulted in formation and implementation of the IROP Integrity. cost service to people and to connect more places within the US. Their business strategies worked well and yielded enormous profits and growth for the company during first few years. The secret to this success was attributed to their operational capabilities, employee management and outstanding customer service1. However, some of their business strategies entailed serious glitches that eventually caused huge revenue losses for JetBlue during bad weather conditions because their operations were not designed appropriately to handle flight cancellations and other related activities. Revenue losses during bad weather conditions were due to inappropriate management, inappropriate information and communication, payback to customers for losses, logistics issues, additional costs incurred for crew members’ duty modifications in addition to losses because of flights cancellation. Until the worst ice storm in February 2007, JetBlue’s focus was solely on growth and expansion2.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Internet Research Essay Example for Free

Internet Research Essay 1. In 1998, Carl P. Schmertmann, Adansi A. Amankwaa, and Robert D. Long wrote an article in an academic journal called â€Å"Three Strikes and You’re Out: Demographic Analysis of Mandatory Prison Sentencing. † Please write out the third sentence of the article. Popularly known as â€Å"Three Strikes and You’re Out† (3X), these new rules mandate long sentences without parole for those convicted of a third or higher-order felony. Source: JSTOR, Demography, Vol. 35, No. 4 (Nov. , 1998), pp. 445-463 2. The Washington Post publishes â€Å"D. C. Animal Watch,† which reports animal cases received by the Washington Humane Society and the D. C. Animal Control Division. According to the September 4, 2003, edition of â€Å"D. C. Animal Watch,† what happened at Bangor St. SE, 1400 block? A woman reported that a male acquaintance had tied her cat with a rope so it could not jump onto a baby’s bed. She said the cat was choking and she was afraid to untie the rope. When a Humane Society officer arrived, the cat had been untied. Source: The Washington Post, September 4, 2003 edition of â€Å"D. C. Animal Watch† 3. On Feb. 18, 1987, Anne C. Roark wrote an article in The Los Angeles Times about Donald Foster’s claim to have identified a poem as one of Shakespeare’s. What’s the name of the article? And, according to the article, where does Foster teach? Article name: â€Å"Bards Sonnets A Mystery at Long Last Resolved? † Foster taught at Vassar Source: Los Angeles Times, February, 18, 1987 4. What is the call number for Giovanni Boccaccio’s book called Decameron? (Please choose the 1986 circulating copy) FIC BOCCACCIO, G. 5. What is the call number for Milan Kundera’s book The Unbearable Lightness of Being? (Please choose the 1984 entry. ) FIC KUNDERA, M. 6. What is the call number for the Guinness World Records? (Choose the most recent edition. ) 031. 02 M257 7. How many people live in the Marshall Islands? (Your information must be current—nothing before 2003. ) You might try NVCC’s â€Å"Best of the Web,† which will link to the recently-updated CIA World Factbook. 61,815 (July 2007 est. ) Source: CIA World Fact Book, https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rm. html 8. Julian Bond is a faculty member in the History Department at the University of Virginia. Where and when did he receive his Bachelor’s degree? Morehouse, 1971 Source: University of Virginia website: http://www. virginia. edu/history/faculty/bond. html 9. On July 17, 2003, the National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) released its highway fatality statistics (in the form of a press release). According to the NHTSA, how many fatalities were alcohol-related in 2002? You must locate the report itself. 41 percent of the total with 17, 419 deaths Source: Press Releases, NHTSA website: http://www. nhtsa. dot. gov/portal/site/nhtsa/template. MAXIMIZE/menuitem. f2217bee37fb302f6d7c121046108a0c/? javax. portlet. tpst=1e51531b2220b0f8ea14201046108a0c_ws_MXjavax. portlet. prp_1e51531b2220b0f8ea14201046108a0c_viewID=detail_viewitemID=979ffd08cccaff00VgnVCM1000002c567798RCRDpressReleaseYearSelect=2003 10. According the American Kennel Club, what should a Mastiff’s temperament be like? (Copy and paste the entire description. ) A combination of grandeur and good nature, courage and docility. Dignity, rather than gaiety, is the Mastiffs correct demeanor. Judges should not condone shyness or viciousness. Conversely, judges should also beware of putting a premium on showiness. Works Cited â€Å"Marshall Islands†. Retrieved November 2, 2007 from the Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book website: https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rm. html. Roark, Anne C. (1987, February 18). Bard’s Sonnets A Mystery at Long Last Resolved?. Los Angeles Times, p. Metro Desk 1. Schmertmann, Carl P. , Amankwaa, Adansi A. and Long, Robert D. (November, 1998). Three Strikes and Youre Out: Demographic Analysis of Mandatory Prison Sentencing. Demography, 35:4, 445-463. Research Facts Find the answers to the following questions. For each item, list the answer and the source that you used to find it (no need to provide a full Works Cited entry). Then, in one or two sentences, explain how reliable you think that source is. Since you will probably use Internet-based sources, consider how objective, current, and credible each site is. For this exercise, you do not need to choose high-quality sites; you simply need to explain why you believe each site is or isn’t reliable. 1. What country has the smallest population? Vatican City, population 920 Source: World Atlas web site: http://worldatlas. com/aatlas/populations/ctypopls. htm The site is run by Graphic Maps, dba the Woolwine-Moen Group and while they claim to be as accurate as possible, they do admit there is a margin of error. Most likely, the statistics presented are accurate. 2. What country has the lowest literacy rate? What about the highest? Lowest is Burkina Faso, highest is Cameroon, United Republic. Source: SIL International website:

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Roles Of Ict In The Government Information Technology Essay

The Roles Of Ict In The Government Information Technology Essay ICT stands for information and communications technology, ICT mainly focuses on the role of communication that includes phone lines and wireless data/signals as well as the ability to control information including hardware for computers and networks and software. Throughout this essay, the way in which ICT has affected and continues to become of high importance to the United kingdoms Government will be explored, the main areas that will be conducted in this research are the Government ICT strategy, greening government ICT, how the internet is transforming the UK Economy, a selected number of Government departments and how ICT is important to their daily use and finally an end conclusion highlighting the importance of ICT development in the UK government. Government ICT strategy In October 2005, the first government ICT strategy was released setting the schedule for the ICT public sector (organisations funded by the government) towards the next five years. Its main aim was to focus on the areas that could enable transformed service delivery, putting the citizen at the heart of what we do, shared services and professionalising IT-enabled business change (Cabinet Office 2010 [URL] Date Accessed 02/11/10). Five years later, after reviewing yearly reports and employing a new Government chief information officer a new strategy was released. Its approach has been adapted to fit the current economic climate in which the nation is in transforming services against a backdrop of economic pressure change (Cabinet Office 2010 [URL] Date Accessed 02/11/10). The new strategy will now make possible an ICT infrastructure that will solve many problems across the board which the Government faces. It also encourages the development of delivery being increased via the public, private and third party sectors in order to meet the needs and requirements. In 1994 formally known as was announced to hold all websites and links to government and agency websites, with all the increased pressure to deliver higher and better public services, expectations had never been higher due to the potential of better services that was unforeseen when the website was first published. However, with the increased prospect of technology, expectations have changed and so have demands which has enabled the government to make it easier to handle their day to day business and help those in need of support, was set up to assist and explain the dangers of drugs and was set up for those children excluded from school. On the other hand Denis McCauley, Global Technology Research Director at the Economist Intelligence Unit, believes the government can do more recognizing that although it does well in terms of its internet website, its popularity is decreasing rapidly and he thinks that even more can be done in terms of using information technology. Although the United Kingdoms Government is not solely to thanks for its success in its public sector ICT use, it reaches the top spot when compared to the rest of Europe, as its citizen-based services are 100% online compared with the average 71% that Europe has. Since the turn of the century the UK was the first Government to even start to allow its citizen-based service online taken approximately four years till Europes average came became public. Turning Government ICT green Since the governments increased use of ICT from owning some of the largest and most power fullest computers and public servants using their desktop computers at a higher rate than expected, be it from issuing tax disks to people across the country to saving x-rays on file. The Government is the countries largest purchaser of ICT equipment, and use a large amount of power and resources. They have decided to set an example amongst the nation and turn green, as they want the disposal of monitors, printers, computers and servers to happen in a sustainable and responsible way. To start the Governments reduction of carbon emissions another strategy has been created called the greening government strategy. According to the cabinet offices brochure on becoming green by turning just one computer off will save 235kg of carbon dioxide emissions a year. By turning off every one of Whitehalls 500,000 computers at night would have the same effect as taking 40,000 cars off the road. How the Internet has transformed the United kingdoms Economy Moving away from the strategies recently formed for ICT, this essay will now review how the Internet has affected and transformed the UK Economy. The Internet has largely influenced societies in the United Kingdom with a majority of them having easy access to it, many modern phones now come with the capability to do such thing. Websites such as and have increased the populations spending habits, which further down the line companies pay tax, which turns back into the government. In 2009 the Internet contributed to 7.2 per cent of GDP in Britain, an estimated  £100 billion making it larger than the countries transportation, construction or utilities industry. Whilst the large growth in Internet activity has increased it has disrupted many businesses but has had a positive effect on the medium and smaller based businesses that sell anything from clothes to computer games with research showing that the United Kingdoms economy is likely to increase by up to 15 p er cent via the Internet. Government organisations and their use of ICT Now this essay will look at a number of government organisations and the importance that ICT plays in them. -Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) To begin with The Department of Work and pensions (DWP) pays money into millions of peoples accounts across the nation, from people on benefits to elderly people receiving their pension, its use of ICT is on a large-scale basis and as a whole plays a major role in the social sector of todays lifestyle. ICT is a positive use in the DWP as it allows a quicker way of handling information and delivering an output service due to the large memory servers they have. However errors still occur in which the government loses millions at a time and because of this have called for an urgent change in the way their ICT strategy is changed -Ministry of Defence The Ministry of Defences (MoD) role is to protect the nation against any potential threat internally and externally, its team highlights dangers through many methods that involve ICT such as listening in on phone calls or checking the internet for major threats. Its ICT role again is very important to how its run due to keeping in contact with other global agencies to keep informed about terrorism strikes, it also informs local media in order to get information broadcasted across the UK. Another use of ICT within the MoD is to ensure military standards are kept high as well as the environment. Again by using the Website they allow people to view the procedures and information of the MoD, which encourages responsibility. -Driver and vehicle Licensing Agency DVLA The use of computers in the DVLA is very important, as they have to produce tax certificates as well as driving licenses and number plate registration forms in their large memory banks. Conclusion Concluding the report, ICT is probably one of the most important aspects of the governments way in terms of running its whole organisation, due to this it is hard to find any faults into the way they are actually sustaining their ICT, the only weak point is due to the fact that their website is not as popular as it was before however it still provides the information that you look for as well as email addresses and phone numbers if you need more help. With the Government also turning green they have taken another positive step in terms of being leaders and hopefully turning it in to a national thing; they have started to release television adverts and produce leaflets to spread the word.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

My Life Essay -- Personal Narratives Essays

My Life I was born in San Jose, Costa Rica, and moved to California when I was very young. Before I moved to California my dad traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 yrs from California and back to Costa Rica. He spent most of his time working in the Fresno area, in the cities of Tulare, and Visalia. He says he spent his time working in any available job including some farm labor jobs and went back to Costa Rica to spend time with us. After the second time he left Costa Rica to come and work he did not go back. At that time, amnesty was given to immigrants in California, and he moved up north to the Bay area to find a steady job. That is when he saved enough money for my mother, my two siblings, and I to join him in California. My first few years since I moved were adventurous. I had to...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Planets and Solar System Essay -- Science Astronomy Astronomical Essay

Planets and Solar System "A planet is a celestial body that revolves around a central star and does not shine by its own light " (Grolier, 1992). The only planetary system that is known to man is our solar system. It is made up of nine planets which range in size and make-up. The nine major planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. There are also many other minor planets which are also in our solar system, but they are unimportant compared to the nine major planets. In this paper I will discuss the planets and how they are each unique. Mercury which is the planet that is closest to the sun is the first planet I will discuss. Mercury is the smallest of the inner planets. It is speculated that the heat from the sun made it impossible for the gases present to become part of the planetary formation. The surface of Mercury is extremely hot. It is approximately 470 degrees celsius on the surface and is thought to be even hotter at the two " hot spots." These " hot spots " are on opposite ends of the equator. It is the heat of the surface that makes it impossible for Mercury to have any type of atmosphere. Mercury orbits the sun once every 88 days and has a true rotation period of 58.6 days. " It is the closest planet to the sun and therefore orbits faster than any other planet " (Thompson/Turk, 542, 1993). It is said that Mercury rotates three times for every two trips around the sun, so that during every alternate perihelon passage the same face points directly at the sun. " Geologically, the most remarkable features of Mercury are compressional cliffs or faults, just the sort of wrinkles that might form in the crust if the interior of the planet shrank slightly " (Morrison, 74, 1993). It is speculated that it was the solidification of Mercury's metallic core that caused this global shrinkage. Mercury is also " . . . enriched in metal or depleted of rock " (Morrison, 74, 1993). It is also believed that some of the inner core of Mercury is still in a fluid state. Scientists also believe that Mercury's surface is made partially of silicate rock. The best way to describe Mercury is, " . . . small, heavily cratered and airless " (Morrison, 71, 1993). Venus is the second closest planet to the sun and is said to " . . . most closely resemble Earth in size, density, and... ...n see the planets of most importance are the ones closest to the sun and Earth. Little is known about the far off planets therefore it is hard to give them full recognition. Much is known about Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The other three planets are not as well known as these six are. Whether more planetary systems exist doesn't really matter. There are still plenty of things we don't understand about our own solar system. Scientists will have their work cut out for them in the future. Each and every planet has distinct differences and that helps show us how truly great God is. The planets will never fully be understood and will always be a great topic of discussion. Works Sited Cattermole, P. (1995). Earth and Other Planets. New York: Oxford University Press. Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc. (1992). Hunt, G. & Moore, P. (1983). Atlas of the Solar System. Chicago: Rand Mc Nally & Company. Morrison, D. (1993). Exploring Planetary Worlds. New York: Scientific American Library. Thompson, G. & Turk, J. (1993). Earth Science and the Environment. New York: Saunders College Publishing & Harcourt Brace College Publishers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Egt Task

Although the current Managers are fluent in Korean, it will be important to hire local dialect persons to add to our staff. This will ensure acceptance, communications, and also preventing miss spoken words that me be taken as offensive If not done with the proper tone. Curriculum Instructor certification. Since South Korea converted the KIT- Korea Teakwood Escalation In 1954 Into the World Teakwood Federation, the feeling In Korea Is all Black Belts must hold certificates from the WTFO.This may be Just a financial ploy to collect money room those outside Korea, but the perception exists that if you hold a certificate (called a Okinawa Certificate) you are then legitimate regardless of what country you received the certificate, since all Okinawa certificates originate in Seoul, South Korea. All staff who do not currently hold their given Black Belt rank must be certified by the WTFO prior to submitting an application to be an instructor in our Korea Dugong expansion plans. Since no O kinawa officers exist in the united States, all certifications will be done by Head Master Ken Adulated, 6th Degree Black Belt Okinawa holder.Country of Origin of retail goods. Three primary countries manufacture martial arts apparel (uniforms) and sparring gear. These are Japan, China, and South Korea. While Americans are primarily obsessed by price, and seem to disregard country of orally pride, Korea Is the opposite. It will be critical that all uniforms, belts, and sparring gear ONLY come from South Korea manufacturing companies. To offer anything else is potentially offensive, but should these goods come from China or Japan, it would also be a disgrace since both countries attacked Korea in the last century. B. ProductThe product of Americas Best Teakwood is martial arts lessons. In America, most adults will not allow themselves to stick with a program, and many areas of the program we currently offer need to accommodate the lack of focus for Adult students, and their ability t o Justify quitting. Only 1 of 10 Americans (compared to 1 out of 4 Europeans) has attempted to learn martial arts. Of those 33 million, only 10% stay with It beyond 30 days, leaving 3. 3 million. Of those 3. 3 million only 10% will stay with It another 3-6 months quitting Jest as they prepare to test out of novice level.Of the enameling 330,000 who achieve Green belt/beginner Intermediate, only 10% of those will reach beginner advanced, or Brown Belt. We are left with just 33,000 Brown belts, In the USA, all but 10% quit after Just 30 days at Black belt, higher than any other country in the world. About 330 people are left who continue actual Black belt training, only 10% of those achieve Master level in the USA, Just 33 out of 330 million. Moving into Korea, we must modify our program for the long term goals of students.Parents will require their children attend, and they will attend with them, it will be a Emily event, training multiple days per week for 6-10 years or more. It wil l be important to modify our tuition timeline to not appear to be short sighted Americas with no ling term vision, or they may feel we are looking for short term profit, or will not stay through difficult times. The good news is that Korea has been losing the Gold Medals at the Olympics to other countries and is accepting of Americas teaching teakwood and they have fond respect for the Lopez family of Houston Texas, multiple Gold Medal winners.We will leverage our affiliation with the Amateur Athletic Union with Coach Lopez. We will use this for credibility but not for promoting an American Agency. 82. Price: Tuition pricing in America is structured around making it easy to quit, monthly pricing is not as important as not needing to make any commitment. In Korea it will be the opposite. Students will not mind signing non cancel agreements paid in full for 6 years as long as the rates are fair. For Korea the pricing will be a base of $900. 00 per year, for 4 classes per week, 2 hours per class, we expect class sizes to be 50-150 per class.In America our current pricing is $200. 0 per month, month to month, 2 classes per week, 50 minutes per class. Koreans will look at price per hour over the long term, wanting the most hours per week at the lowest rate with a long term commitment; Americas want to know how cheaply they can Join, and how easily they can quit, more like leasing a car. 83 Promotion: In America martial arts lessons are promoted in a disposable product manner, viewed like a 6 pack of Coke. Coupon driven society demands a call to action for a discount.Teachers are held in higher regards in Korea and it would be a disgrace to offer discounts, promotions, or marketing fluff. The Koreans will want endorsements from martial arts organizations and to see community service done by the staff. When they see us in public, they will approach us, but the Koreans will be completely turned off if the go to corner market and see â€Å"one month of lessons and a f ree uniform for 19. 99†³Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Word of mouth and grassroots promotion only in Korea. BE Place: 52 million people actively practice Tea Swoon Do globally; it is the most popular martial art.Korea in the past has not been accepting of foreign companies opening Dugongs in Korea, but the loss of first place in the last 3 Olympics has changed this. The OIC, International Olympic Committee has removed Baseball, Hockey, and Wrestling as of late. Talk is they will remove Karate, Judo, or Tea Swoon DO. Koreans national sport is Tea Swoon Do, and they are promising more support and resources. They will do whatever it takes to keep this Olympic Sport status. Allowing Americas Best, a proven Junior Olympic Gold Medal winning organization into Korea and supporting its grassroots movement is a given.C Ethical Issues: to us from Korea. The Koreans have warned us that Americans are viewed as fat, lazy, and abrasive. The example proven to us is Korean infant adoption, only for America do the y have a height and weight scale/range for adopting parents from America. 2) Where the money goes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Alt has also been brought to our attention from the WTFO that Koreans will need to see a direct line for their tuition to returning to the community. Unlike Americans who will buy a Toyota or Honda and not inquire where the money goes, the Koreans will need to see proof that some of it stays in the community. Sources: None.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ancient democracy to present democracy Essay

The word democracy is derived from two Greek words, demos, which means people, and kratos, which means rule. Today the word has come to mean exactly that, ruled by the people. Many ancient political Greek philosophers would use the phrase â€Å"the governors are to be governed† which we can relate to today. Even though the Greek’s notion of democracy is dramatically different from our current democracy, it has been one of the most influential philosophies that have shaped the political thought of the United States. Ironically the term democracy is the most used term to describe the American government even though it has little meaning in our government today. The Athenian government was the first democracy known to the world. Athens had a government where all of the citizens took part in the decision making. Thus, everyone who qualified as a citizen could participate and did not have to be an elected representative. For one to be considered a citizen they first had to be born in Athens and had to be free. Next, once turned eighteen years of age he had to have at least two years of military training then serve in the navy or army. After he has served he could then vote. After the age of thirty he could be considered for council. The women of Athens were also considered to be citizen however they did not posses any political power. The Athenian democracy had three main branches which were the assembly, the council, and the jurymen. The assembly had the reasonability of making the policies for Athens. The assembly could be considered the legislative branch and it was made of eligible Athenian citizens. The council enforced administrative matters and the policies. They were also in control of the military and finances. The council was made of five hundred citizens and could be considered the executive branch. The jury men had the important yet tedious job of resolving disputes of the people. There were six thousand jurymen to manage this job in the courts. The Greeks of Athens had no single head of the government and no political parties. The United States has some similarities with Athenian democracy but very few. There are three branches, the legislative, executive, and the judicial which  are similar to the three branches of Athens’s government. The legislative branch is made of the Senate and the House of Representatives. They are in charge of making the laws of the states. The House of Representatives consists of a representative from each state. There is one representative from each district in the state. The district in each state depends on the population of the state. There are four hundred and thirty five members of the House. Each of them only serve for two years and then have to run for re-election. The Senate consists of one hundred members. Each state has two representatives in the Senate. The Senate has three times the amount of service time than the House. The Executive branch is the president and his cabinet. The president gets to appoint his cabinet which consists of several positions, the Secretary of State, Attorney General, National Security Advisor, and more. The judicial branch has nine justices as apposed to six thousand, one that serve as the Chief Justice. Once they are appointed by the president they serve for the rest of their lives. As you can see, the American democracy doesn’t quite fit the Greek’s definition of â€Å"democracy†. They have appointed officials that can dictate how the people live. The Greek democracy actually consisted of citizens that could participate in political issues without being elected or appointed.

How Far the Press Should Be Free to Report

Discuss how far the press should be free to report what they want There are obvious reasons for restrictions on the freedom of the press. Many of these are to do with the fact that clearly there are many stories which are damaging to individuals and will have a negative effect on the life of a person or group of people. The argument that is often put forward that it is in the public interest to know what is going on and that secrets should not be kept from the public is a valid one, but there has to be a line drawn between the public interest and what the public are interested in.That line was not necessarily crossed in the publication of the photos of prince William, as it is not inconceivable that he might be the future king of England and therefore it can almost be seen as a warning of how it is and isn’t acceptable to behave for somebody in the public eye. Although there are occasions when the press report stories that they shouldn’t, it must be taken into account t hat newspapers organisations have to make money, and therefore they have to be able to write stories which will sell copies and, if they are not given that right, the general public could become bored by newspapers.The Sun’s dominance in the journalism world of Britain is all the evidence needed to prove that the public are not looking to be informed, but to be entertained, and the most entertaining stories are usually the sensational ones. Another reason why the press should not be restricted is that Britain is a democracy and so the people at the top of society should not have omnipotent powers over what can and cannot be reported to the public.If you look at the fascist dictatorships of the past, one of the greatest crimes has been the lack of freedom of speech and this is what oppresses people more than anything. I am not saying that this is a position which Britain is nearing, but we must bear in mind that one of the fundamental components of a democracy is the freedom o f speech, and as such you cannot justify taking this right away from anybody, whether they are talking to a friend or writing it in a newspaper.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Obsession

Obsession We, as human beings, are materialistic and sense indulgent slaves. This is something that most people don’t think about. But they do push spirituality away, dubbing it as unimportant when compared to, say, what’s on television tonight, or what’s happening this weekend. It has a severe effect on familial and personal relationships too, including those with ourselves. We are lost in our oversexed, possession-dominated lives, and don’t realize it because it is encouraged by the society and by the media to be like this. I think that as we are brought up in this world, especially those of us that have been born with in the last twenty years, the importance of ownership of many possessions becomes a personal obsession. As children, we constantly have to have what the other kids have; otherwise we are unfit to even talk to. It develops into a constant ambition to always be better than our rivals. Getting an education turns into a way for us to make it to a high point in life where we’re not going to have our faces ground into the dirt by all the rich folk. This pulls us away from our internal purposes. Our dreams and goals, even when carried out, all seem to be fake because we’re accomplishing them for the wrong reasons. In turn, materialism and excessive pleasure can certainly alter our family lives and relationships with our selves. If we’re just taking after the examples of our parents, then the whole family may be absorbed in a generational decadence of morals. And if we are just victims of the expectations of our society, then we may believe that our parents just don’t understand the way we are, leading to disagreements, abandonment, and extreme bouts of depression. Our personal lives are now destroyed. But we continue the downward spiral into obsessions with other things, now trying to drown out the senses. At this point, we don’t even bother to question God anymore. Spirituality is dead.... Free Essays on Obsession Free Essays on Obsession Obsession We, as human beings, are materialistic and sense indulgent slaves. This is something that most people don’t think about. But they do push spirituality away, dubbing it as unimportant when compared to, say, what’s on television tonight, or what’s happening this weekend. It has a severe effect on familial and personal relationships too, including those with ourselves. We are lost in our oversexed, possession-dominated lives, and don’t realize it because it is encouraged by the society and by the media to be like this. I think that as we are brought up in this world, especially those of us that have been born with in the last twenty years, the importance of ownership of many possessions becomes a personal obsession. As children, we constantly have to have what the other kids have; otherwise we are unfit to even talk to. It develops into a constant ambition to always be better than our rivals. Getting an education turns into a way for us to make it to a high point in life where we’re not going to have our faces ground into the dirt by all the rich folk. This pulls us away from our internal purposes. Our dreams and goals, even when carried out, all seem to be fake because we’re accomplishing them for the wrong reasons. In turn, materialism and excessive pleasure can certainly alter our family lives and relationships with our selves. If we’re just taking after the examples of our parents, then the whole family may be absorbed in a generational decadence of morals. And if we are just victims of the expectations of our society, then we may believe that our parents just don’t understand the way we are, leading to disagreements, abandonment, and extreme bouts of depression. Our personal lives are now destroyed. But we continue the downward spiral into obsessions with other things, now trying to drown out the senses. At this point, we don’t even bother to question God anymore. Spirituality is dead....

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Next Plc Competitive Analysis Essays

Next Plc Competitive Analysis Essays Next Plc Competitive Analysis Essay Next Plc Competitive Analysis Essay The objective of such an analysis is to investigate how the organisation needs too form its strategy in order to develop opportunities in its environment and protect itself against competition and other threats (Lynch, R 1997). The report will use the Porter Model to give an idea what kind of influences exists and how a company can deal with it. Fig. 3 Porter? s Five Forces Model Bargaining power of suppliers Source: see Chapter 7 To what extend have the suppliers of NEXT power over the company? In the case of NEXT the influence is limited because there are a lot of providers in this sector. If a supplier were to ask for an increase in his price, or for other better conditions, his customer could easily replace him in a short period of time. Therefore mutual dependence is rated low. Bargaining power of customers So far as the customer is concerned he has probably the most power because it is he who buys the product and spends his money. The impact of an individual buyer who goes shopping at a branch and seeks price cuts is likely to be negligible. However speaking more generally, if the phenomenon was multiplied by many thousands of price conscious customers who are not willing to pay the ticket price, management will need to cut prices to avoid losing sales. Because clothing is not very item specific a pullover is a pullover whether you buy it from NEXT or Marks and Spencer. The only way to attract consumers to buy a company? s products instead of the competition? s, is to add value, such as label, style, price or quality. But still there is no guarantee that NEXT will perform better than other clothing companies. The customer decides which product he likes not the company. Threat of new entrants to the industry A threat to NEXT are the new competitors entering the market. Maybe not the small ones because there is a lot of capital needed to go head to head with NEXT the threat comes more from the big labels, department stores or chain companies outside the UK. Companies such as Calvin Klein and Donna Karan, for example, have money, knowledge and the power to enter the clothing market in a short period of time. Both which opened their 8,000 to 10,000 square feet stores on New Bond Street or Ralph Lauren which opened his 45,000 square feet store in central London demonstrate how to infiltrate a rather conservative domestic market. Additionally, US catalogue retailers are venturing into the UK market. Lands? End, the ninth biggest mail order company in the US, had opened a subsidiary in the UK but also struggle from the strong rivalry, sales are down by 1. 9% to USD 143m (2000). Threat of substitute products or services Another threat in the eyes of Michael Porter is the issue of substitution. Speaking of the clothing retail market this problem is not a big issue. A pullover can be a substitute for a jacket, or trousers for skirts, but since NEXT is provider of all these items anyway so the impact of a substitute is limited. However the threat in this market is that NEXT fails to note these trends. The Customers would substitute NEXT with a trendier company if their products are not stylish, interesting or mainstream enough to attract customers or the timing is wrong. Rivalry among current competitors There exist a huge number of clothes retailer in the UK approximately over 25,000 combined with other outlets make them more than 45,000. This indicates a high rivalry between competitors. In this phase of the market cycle where there is more or less no growth, competition is often price-based and therefore very aggressive. To build customer loyalty with price cutting strategies is very difficult if not impossible. That means consumers are looking for the best offer with regard to price, service and quality. If NEXT wants to increase market share it must take sales from its competitors and that increases rivalry. So it is a kind of price spiral where companies have to cut prices to sell their products. This leads to decreasing margins and probably to less competitors. This can be seen in the grocery shopping sector where competition was such though that only a few big companies survived. Another issue are the high export exit tariffs. If a company like NEXT, Marks Spencer or CA want to leave the UK market it means they have to sell all their branches and get rid of most of their employees. This causes a lot of problems in terms of the relevant trade unions, bad publicity or cost for developing a social viability plan. These are some reasons why companies mostly stay in their known marketplace instead of leaving them for new opportunities

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Canadian New Media (the Topic Should Related To Cultural Industry Annotated Bibliography

Canadian New Media (the Topic Should Related To Cultural Industry Annotated Bibliography Canadian New Media (the Topic Should Related To Cultural Industry – Annotated Bibliography Example Section/# Annotation and Review Gezduci, H., & dHaenens, L. (2007). Culture-specific features as determinants of news media use. Communications: The European Journal Of Communication Research, 32(2), 193-222. doi:10.1515/COMMUN.2007.012The above article analyzes the use of media as it relates to cultural and socio-demographic issues. The study analyzes the results of a complete study which involved both host and native residents in order to determine the unique divergence and relationships that these groups expressed with relation to culture-specific features articulated via the news media. The determinant metrics included language, religion, and political issues. The study found that clear ethnic, religious, and socio-demographic divergence was exhibited with relation the differing levels of interpretation and implied meaning that was inferred by the news media. This level of divergence was expected as it only served to reinforce the hypothesis that cultural interpretations of media heavily affected the way in which individual groups assimilated the information that was provided to them. However, what was not expected was that the results would show an unexpected group showing the clearest divergence as opposed to the expected group. In this way, the study noted that although one might expect the ethnic or religious preference of a given group to more closely affect the way in which particular cultural aspects of the news media were interpreted, this was not the case. Instead, the study found a clear correlation between socio-demographics features with respect to the way in which cultural news media was understood, appreciated, and approached.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Strong Quotes to Discover Your Inner Strength

Strong Quotes to Discover Your Inner Strength Everyone deals with low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence from time to time. Its not easy to face hardships with a smile, nor should you try to; unresolved stress or anxiety can manifest itself in many negative ways (including physical illness).   But sometimes we just need a little nudge to try to get out of a rut or to keep going on a path that seems long and arduous. Hope can help us emerge from difficult situations feeling stronger and wiser.   Here are some quotes about finding that inner strength, from people who have faced hardship, to inspire you to keep going.   Inner Strength Quotes from Politicians Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.Too often the strong, silent man is silent only because he does not know what to say, and is reputed strong only because he has remained silent. -    Winston Churchill.  The legendary British Prime Minister, who was shot at during the Boer War and guided his country through World War II, was never at a loss for words.   A woman is like a tea bag - you cant tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. - Eleanor Roosevelt.  Although Roosevelt changed forever the office of First Lady, acting as an advocate for women, minorities, and the poor, she had much hardship in her life, including being orphaned at age 10.   The strong man is the one who is able to intercept at will the communication between the senses and the mind. -   Napoleon Bonaparte Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. -   John F. Kennedy It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. -   Frederick Douglass You are never strong enough that you dont need help. -   Cesar Chavez Inner Strength Quotes from Writers Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think. -    Ralph Waldo Emerson. He rose to become one of the elder statesmen of literary circles in early America, but Emerson suffered both the loss of his wife not long after their wedding  and the early loss of his father, both of which affected him profoundly.   The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places. -   Ernest Hemingway. Although he was a highly influential journalist and novelist, Hemingway struggled with alcoholism and depression his entire life.   Nothing can dim the light which shines from within. ― Maya Angelou. The author had a difficult childhood which included being raped by her mothers boyfriend, but she went on to win numerous critical accolades and awards for her writing.   Inner Strength Quotes from Philosophers To keep the body in good health is a duty,   otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. ―Buddha That which does not kill us makes us stronger. ―Friedrich Nietzsche Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look. ― Marcus Aurelius

Monday, November 4, 2019

Developing a marketing strategy for a multinational company Essay

Developing a marketing strategy for a multinational company - Essay Example Individual branding will elevate the new notepad to reach high market standards. This might trigger customers to try other Lenovo products hence paving way for other products to penetrate the new market (Johansson, 2012). To effectively advertize the new notebook into foreign countries Lenovo will use a global advertising strategy. A Global advertising strategy allows a company to adopt or adjust its advertisement to suit the needs of a foreign country’s citizens while maintaining the global reach. Unlike international advertising, global advertising can modify ads to appeal readily to the locals. The contents of Lenovo advertisement will be amended to suit different foreign countries’ styles. Changing advertisement materials might reduce the adverse impacts brought by cultural differences and language barriers. Benefits associated with using a global advertisement strategy include being able to reach people in multiple countries while maintaining respect for each of their culture. A world advertising strategy maintains consistency in the messages sent across the globe. This can create synergy and a common identity among consumers of Lenovo’s products (Johansson, 2012). Lenovo will be looking to introduce the new notepad in South Africa. To effectively introduce the new notebook into the South African market, it is important to carry out a market segmentation analysis. Doing this will ensure the company better understands the country’s market dynamics and needs. The country is at 30 degrees south and 25 degrees east. South Africa covers 471,000 square miles with a population of 59.98 million as at 2009.The South African population is of youths aged between 18 and 35. They make up almost 60% of the country’s total population. Majority of South African people are computer literate. South Africa has seven international airports meaning that the country is easily accessible by air. The

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Free Market Commitments of the European Union on a Pragmatic Practice Research Paper

Free Market Commitments of the European Union on a Pragmatic Practice Basis - Research Paper Example The European governments had to remove all forms of tariffs and measures equivalent to quotas. Restrictions on the freedom to supply services are lifted. However, the Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs)still since the Rome Treaty provided the Community institutions with powers to control the NTBs. The SEM had a common currency. The euro, which was introduced in 2002, is the single European currency which had replaced the national currencies of the 27 member countries of the European Union (euroland) that began on 1 January 1999. The exchange rates of the euroland countries were fixed to the euro. While marking a milestone in the European Union's economic integration process, the launch of the euro has significance beyond Europe. Some economists and financial experts believe the euro could become a major international currency that can pose a threat to the US dollar. The European Competition Policy applies rules to make sure that companies compete with each other and, in order to sell their pr oducts, innovate and offer good prices to European consumers. The economic core of the EEC called for the free movement of goods, capital, services, and people among its original members. For instance, Article 81 of the Maastricht Treaty, which helped establish the EU, refers explicitly to the prohibition of practices which "limit or control production, markets, technical development, or investment." To implement the EU’s competition policy, there are designated competition commissioners. All 27 national competition authorities in the EU are able to apply EU rules at their local level in consultation with the Competition Commission.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Partition of India and how Its Shaped Modern Day India Essay

Partition of India and how Its Shaped Modern Day India - Essay Example In order to avoid that Britain deliberately divide India based on religion. Thus Muslim dominated Pakistan and Hindu dominated India were formed in 1947. Until, Britain divide India based on religion; both Hindus and Muslims were living in harmony in India. However, the enmity started to grow between India and Pakistan after the independence of India. The major unresolved problem for enmity between India and Pakistan is the Kashmir issue. Pakistan still believes that the Muslim dominated Kashmir is part of Pakistan even though at the time of partition Kashmiri leader Sheikh Abdulla decided to attach Kashmir as a part of India. The struggle for the ownership of Kashmir is still going on between India and Pakistan and many wars were fought between these two nuclear powers in the past. Many people believe that if India and Pakistan are joined together, they would become the most powerful superpower nation in the world. However, the increasing conflicts between India and Pakistan are ret arding the economic progress not only in India but also in Pakistan. Amidst all these challenging political environments, India achieved tremendous economic growth in the past few decades. According to political analysts, India may become another superpower in the near future itself. This paper analyses how the partition in 1947 shaped modern day India. The principles of India's foreign policy have stood the test of time: a belief in friendly relations with all countries of the world, the resolution of conflicts by peaceful means, the sovereign equality of all states, independence of thought and action as manifested in the principles of Non-alignment, and equity in the conduct of international relations  (India's Foreign Policy - 50 Years of Achievement) India opted for a neutral approach after its independence, instead of polarising towards any of the superpowers of that time. In fact India was a prominent country which worked for the formation of a non-aligned movement (NAM). Ja waharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India worked together with Egyptian leader Abdul Nazar and Yugoslav President Tito for the formation of NAM. This foreign policy helped India to avoid any major struggle with the superpowers. In fact India treated former Soviet Union and America in the same manner, even though some political analysts visualise some close connections between India and USSR in the past. When Britain decided to divide India, their major objective was to prevent India from becoming a global power. The initial decades immediately after the independence of India created a feeling among the rest of the world that Britain succeeded in its mission to prevent India from achieving rapid growth. In 1965 and in 1971, India engaged in a fierce war with Pakistan over the Kashmir issue and the costs of these wars were more than enough for India like a heavily populated country to bear. India faced the two major challenges after its independence; the threat from Pakistan a nd the growing population size. India implemented some family planning measures in order to reduce the rate of population growth. Small family with one of two children maximum was a slogan encouraged in India after the independence. Economists in the 60’s and 70’s warned India that if India fails to control its population growth, economic progress would be

Write an essay in which you discuss what prevents some people from - 1

Write an in which you discuss what prevents some people from helping others around them who are in need - Essay Example Cortà ©s arrived at the Mexican coast at a place called Yucatan in 1519 a year after Spain had discovered the country. He named the place Veracruz a name that has remained in use to date. Accompanying him were 508 soldiers ,100 sailors an 14 small canons which he used to defeat the natives during his reign here(Schwartz and Stuart B ,2000 , pg 12) . He first settled in Tabasco where he faced a strong opposition from the natives. However, he fought back harshly and the natives surrendered. This was the start of his success in Mexico. The Tabasco offered his food, women and an interpreter who was known as La Malinche or Doà ±a Marina who acted as the go-between with the locals. The Native war-men were not trained and were easily killed easily due to lack of skills and weapons. (Schwartz and Stuart B, 2000, pg 17). Few weeks after his arrival, he set sail from Yutican to the southeastern coast where he found Velasquez. Through orders from king charles1 of Spain, he dismissed the authority of Velasquez and declared himself king .Unlike many native leaders, Cortà ©s had knowledge on army training and he trained his men to act as a disciplined united unit (Schwartz and Stuart B, 2000, pg 25). The country was rich in minerals and fertile land and Cortà ©s was determined to dominate the land. He went to an extent of burning his ships to make re-treating not an option. During his stay here, Cortà ©s learned that the Aztecs under the rule of their powerful leader Montezuma II were a powerful primary force in Mexico. Due to his high level of Education, he knew he had to find support from within on order to conquer this powerful group. After an extensive research that took six months, he discovered the Tlaxcala’s who were a native group and great enemies of the Aztecs (Schwartz and Stuart B , 2000 , pg 41).The group became an important target during his raid of the